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What is your microbiome?

Your gut microbiome is made up of billions of micro-organisms such as bacteria that live within your gastrointestinal tract (GIT).1 We all have a unique microbiome with individual-specific and commonly shared bacterial species.2 Your microbiome, however, is not fixed; but rather is constantly changing depending on dietary, medical and environmental factors.3

These micro-organisms have many important roles in the body. They assist in the digestion and absorption of food, support the immune system and production of essential vitamins like vitamin K for blood clotting. 1,4,5 Research continues to discover the multiple ways that our gut microbiome works synergistically to support our wellbeing.5,6

What is your “wellbeing”?

How do you define your wellbeing? Researchers Simons and Baldwin proposed that wellbeing is “a state of positive feelings and meeting your full potential in the world.” 7 Your health is one component of your wellbeing, with the World Health Organisation explaining that health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease”.7,8 With the gut microbiome able to influence your physical and mental health – it’s no wonder that your gut health can shape your wellbeing from the inside out.5,6

How can the gut microbiome prevent or cause disease?

Depending on the environment of the GIT, different types of micro-organisms can flourish with certain microbes exerting positive health benefits. Unfavourable changes in the composition of the gut microbiota (known as gut dysbiosis) are linked to the development of acute and chronic intestinal inflammation, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)5 and mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. 6

The secret to how our gut microbiome assists our health lies within the type of by- products they are creating from the digestion of indigestible food particles in the gut. 5 A good diversity of gut-friendly microbes will produce by-products called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).5 These SCFAs maintain a healthy GIT environment, lower inflammation and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.9

Your microbiome’s impact on your physical & mental health

The relationship between your gut microbiome and your physical health is becoming increasingly evident in scientific research. For example, the composition of gut bacteria influences how efficiently nutrients are extracted from food, affecting energy expenditure and storage.5 Through a complex relationship involving the gastrointestinal, nervous and endocrine systems, gut dysbiosis has been linked to obesity, diabetes, cancer, IBS and intestinal bowel diseases (IBD). 5,10

Your microbiome can affect your mental health because your gut and brain have a bidirectional relationship called the gut-brain axis. 6 Your digestive tract produces more than 90 % of your “feel-good” hormone, serotonin, and the gut microbiota regulates the level of serotonin.6 Serotonin plays an important role in mood regulation and emotional wellbeing. Gut dysbiosis can lower the production of serotonin which is linked to depression and anxiety.6

What can you do to flourish your gut microbiome?

Nurturing a diverse gut microbiome will help optimise your physical and mental health and wellbeing.5,6,7 Below are key dietary & lifestyle changes you can make to promote a healthy gut microbiome:

Be a Fibre Fan

Choose fibre-rich wholegrains like cereals, oats, wholewheat crackers, brown rice, barley, lentils, beans, quinoa, or corn. 10 Fiber is food for the SCFA-producing gut bacteria.9 Meeting 25 g of fibre each day promotes better growth of these beneficial gut bacteria.11 To reach 25 g of dietary fibre you would need to eat 1 cup of bran flakes for breakfast (10 g fibre),12 1 cup cooked quinoa (5 g fibre)13 in a salad for lunch, snack on 3 high fibre crackerbreads (5 g fibre)14 and enjoy ½ cup corn kernels (6 g fibre)15 with dinner (total = 26 g fibre).

Keep Colour in Mind

Enjoy a rainbow of colour from fruit & veg to get unique polyphenols that boosts the composition and function of your gut microbiota. 11,16

Pick Probiotic Foods

Eat foods rich in probiotics, which are live beneficial bacteria that support gut health.17 Probiotics can help maintain a healthy colonized gut.17 Yogurt, kefir and kombucha are sources of probiotics.16, 18

Stress Management

Chronic stress can disrupt the gut-brain axis. 19 Practicing stress-reduction techniques like relaxation therapy or acupuncture can promote a balanced gut microbiome.19

Regular Exercise

Physical activity can favourably change your microbial diversity.20 Engaging in regular exercise promotes gut motility, enhances immune function, and lowers inflammation, thus helping to foster a healthy gut environment.20

By implementing these strategies, you can create a happy relationship with your gut microbiome that will help shape you overall wellbeing from the inside out.


  1. Shahid, A. et al. From Microbes to Immunity: A Comprehensive Review of Microbiome Modulation.
  2. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research 3(2), 801-807 (2023).
  3. Zhou, X. et al. Longitudinal profiling of the microbiome at four body sites reveals core stability and individualized dynamics during health and disease. Cell Host & Microbe 32, 506-526 (2024).
  4. Gordo I. Evolutionary change in the human gut microbiome: From a static to a dynamic view.
  5. PLoS Biology 17(2), 1-5 Preprint at (2019).
  6. Kang M. J. et al. Production of vitamin K by wild-type and engineered microorganisms.
  7. Microorganisms 10, 554 Preprint at (2022).
  8. Goulet O. Potential role of the intestinal microbiota in programming health and disease. Nutrition Reviews 73(S1), 32-40 (2015).
  9. Liu, T. et al. Influence of gut microbiota on mental health via neurotransmitters: a review. Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences 1(1-2), 1-14 (2020).
  10. Simons, G. & Baldwin, D. S. A critical review of the definition of ‘wellbeing’ for doctors and their patients in a post Covid-19 era. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 67(8), 984-991 Preprint at (2021).
  11. World Health Organisation. Constitution of the World Health Organisation. Accessed 2 May 2024.
  12. Fusco, W. et al. Short-chain fatty-acid-producing bacteria: Key components of the human gut microbiota. Nutrients 15, 1-22 (2023).
  13. De Vos, W. M. et al. Gut microbiome and health: mechanistic insights. Gut 71(5), 1020- 1032 (2022).
  14. Koç, F. et al. The public health rationale for increasing dietary fibre: Health benefits with a focus on gut microbiota. Nutrition Bulletin 45, 294-308 Preprint at (2020).
  15. Agriculture Research Service. FoodData Central: Cereal, bran flakes, plain. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 11 July 2024. details/2343940/nutrients
  16. Agriculture Research Service. FoodData Central: Quinoa, cooked. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 11 July 2024. details/168917/nutrients
  17. Agriculture Research Service. FoodData Central: Crackers, crispbread. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 11 July 2024. details/2343639/nutrients
  18. Agriculture Research Service. FoodData Central: Corn grain, yellow. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 11 July 2024. details/170288/nutrients
  19. Aziz, T. et al. Elucidating the role of diet in maintaining gut health to reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular and other age-related inflammatory diseases: recent challenges and future recommendations. Gut Microbes 16(1) Preprint at (2024).
  20. Hill, C. et al. Expert consensus document: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics consensus statement on the scope and appropriate use of the term probiotic. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology 11, 506-514 (2014).
  21. Da Anunciação, T. A. et al. Biological significance of probiotic microorganisms from kefir and kombucha: A review. Microorganisms 12, 1-20 (2024).
  22. Konturek, P. C. et al. Stress and the gut: pathophysiology, clinical consequences, diagnostic approach and treatment options. J Physiol Pharmacol 62(6), 591-599 (2011).
  23. Mailing, L. J. et al. Exercise and the gut microbiome: a review of the evidence, potential mechanisms, and implications for human health. Exercise and sport sciences reviews 47(2), 75-85 Preprint at (2019).